सितंबर, 2014 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Black Pepper- a seed Small in size but Big benefits

Black Pepper- a seed Small in size but Big benefits - A spice, a part of almost every kitchen, black pepper has a lot of medicine properties in addition to making the food very tasty. A study carried out in Taiwan revealed that black pepper is very …

How to remove Winpc Defender its actions and precautions

How to remove Winpc Defender its actions and precautions Winpc Defender is a deceitful and unreliable anti-spyware program which in real is a bogus and infectious software. It pretends to be a very useful security tool. It compels the uses to b…

How to detect, avoid and remove XP Police Antivirus, a fake antivirus

How to detect, avoid and remove XP Police Antivirus, a fake antivirus XP Police antivirus also known as XP Police is a fake antivirus developed by cheaters just to grab some money from you. Instead of being an antivirus, it is a virus in real. It at…

Android mobile phone Keyboard short cuts and hot keys

Android mobile phone Keyboard short cuts and hot keys -An impressive set of keyboard shortcuts is available in the Android mobile operating system.This is to help you go faster through your mobile phone without digging through the menus. You need …

Take a Break Add-on-Very useful for Eyes and health of computer users

Take a Break Add-on-Very useful for Eyes and health of computer users - Health is wealth and Eyes are the most important part in the human body. It is said that if you have lost your eyes you have lost the world. If you use computer for long durati…

HTML Editing-How to hide one or more Posts from blogger blog Home page

HTML Editing-How to hide one or more Posts from blogger blog Home page Hiding some of the post of their blog form their home page is a common practice among bloggers. It may be due to the fact that they think the post has lost its relevancy …

Browser Hijacker Inbox Toolbar-Actions, Detection and Removal

Browser Hijacker Inbox Toolbar-Actions, Detection and Removal Inbox Toolbar is a browser add-on which claims to improve your browsing experience but in fact it is a browser hijacker, and enters your computers together with malware. It is downloa…

Trojan Horse-Properties, Risks, Symptoms, Prevention, Safety precautions

Trojan Horse-Properties, Risks, Symptoms, Prevention, Safety precautions Trojan Horse was first discovered on February 19, 2004. It is a name used by Symantec corp. to identify malicious software program which masquerade as benign applications. …

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