Best settings of blogger Custom Robots Header Tags of a blogger Blog

How to set Custom Robots Header Tags of a Blog
There two types of setting in Robot header Tags of a blog, Default and Custom . Default means as automatically set by the blogger and custom means you set them as per your requirements. This is a crucial setting similar to the robots.txt file though not so granular. In brief if you do not want to give any special instructions to the search Robot, you need not to amend these tags. Some people think that their personal information must not be tracked but in my view why I hide any thing about me. Blogger categorize the posts year wise and automatically lists the posts of previous year in 'Blog Aarchive' category. Some people do not want their archive to be indexed but I do not agree with this. However you are at liberty to modify your Robot header Tags at any time. While we go to our Blogger Dash Bpard>Search Preferences>Custom Robots Header Tags>Edit>Yes then the following screen will open –

Blogger Custom Robots Header Tags
Custom Robot Header Tags have three main headings

1-Home Page

2-Archive and search Pages

3-Default for Posts and Pages


Each Custom Robot Header Tags heading has 10 Sub Tags -

1.  all,      2.  noindex,      3.     nofollow,      4.  none      5.  noarchive  
6.  nosnippet,  7.  noodp,    8.  notranslate,   9.  noimageindex,
10.  unavailable_after_________________

Each tag has specific effect on search engine as explained below –

1. all This is default setting and there are no restrictions for indexing or serving. This directive is   the default value and has no effect if explicitly listed.

2.  noindex - Do not show this page in search results, even a cached link will not be shown in search reasults

3.  nofollow Link on this page will not be followed.

4.  noneThis is equal to ‘noindex’ and ‘nofollow’ above.

5.  noarchive - Do not show a "Cached" link in search results.

6.  nosnippetSnippet will not be displayed in the search results for this page

7.  noodp(No Open Directory Project) This is very important. If you do not check it, the search engine will collect Data from the  Open Directory project which some times may not index your recent data and if you check it, search engine will index data directly from your blog/site.

8.  notranslate Translator will be restricted

9.  noimageindexImages on the page will not be indexed.

10.  unavailable_after_________________ - Here you can mark a Date and time in the RFC 850 format after which specified page will not be indexed.


If you do not have any specific reason you need not to make any change to these tags but in my view "noodp" must be checked.

How to set Custom Robots Header Tags of a Blog, Do you need to modify Custom Robots Header Tags, Custom Robots Header Tags of a Blog always check "noodp", "noop" Robots tag is to be modified always, blogger seo tutorials, blogger seo, custom txt, custom robots txt, custom robots txt header tags, blogger tutorials, custom robots header tags, blogger full seo, blogger seo tutorial, how to do blogger seo, how to generate blogger sitemap, blogger robots.txt, blogger custom robots header tags, blogger sitemap, blogspot seo setting, blogger seo settings,

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