How to Define Maximum Limit or Number of blog Posts Under each Label by HTML Editing

HTML Editing-Define Maximum Limit or Number of Posts Under a Label
-In blogger we categorize our post under labels according to the subjects of the posts but in blogger’s default setting the number of posts per label is not defined at all. We can post as many posts as we want under a single label. While a reader visits our blog he opens a label of his interest by clicking it and if he finds a large list of posts is opened, it may annoy our reader. Therefore it will be better to limit the number of posts to a certain extent. We can do it manually but for it we have to remain careful and it is time consuming too. How will it be, if our system automatically do it for us ? Yes, it is possible my making small alterations to our blog Template-
HTML Editing-Define Maximum Limit or Number of Posts Under a Label
Login to your blogger dash board, 

Click Template

Click Edit HTML, 

The HTML file will open.
Click anywhere in side the open HTML document and press “CTRL+F”. 

A search box will open in top right hand corner in the HTML document. 

Now write or copy and paste the following code in the search box and press ‘Enter’
<a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url'>

Now the above code will be highlighted like this-

                <a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url'>

Now you have to copy and paste the following code in place of the highlighted code -

<a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url + &quot;?max-results=10&quot;'>

That’s all.

Now your each label will be limited to 10 posts. 

If you want to post 20, 15 or 5 articles under each label replace the figure in red with 20, 15 or 5. 

You can set here any number and your posts under each label will be limited to that number.

Define Maximum Limit or Number of Posts Under a Blog Label, Editing Blogger HTML for defining Number of posts under one label, How many posts under a blog label, How to define number of posts under one label in blogger, How many posts under a blog label, How to define number of posts under one label, How To Blogger website Label, How To Create Label, Blogger Label Problem, Blogger Tutorial, How To Create And Use Label In Blogger, How To Use Of blogger Label, create blogger categories, blogspot, how to create blogger labels, blogger tips, blogspot tips, blogger label trick

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