Difference between templates default search and Google Custom Search

A quality search enabling the user to discover all the interesting contents, time stamp of the post identify the post if it is of evergreen nature and an effective commenting system to know the popularity of the contents are the three important things to give its users a best experience. All the templates provide internal search option but as far as it relates to internet search, Google Search has no rival in the world.

Google Custom Search

Goodle Search vs template’s internal Search

Template’s default search engine also displays the search result but not so efficiently as Google custom search. With the help of the Google custom search we can see the search result in the same manner as displayed by the Google’s General search engine very colorfully and with search description snippets. See the example below


Results displayed by the Google Custom Search

Google Custom Search results

Result displayed by the template’s search

Template’s search results

Types of Google custom Search

Google custom search is powered by Google(google.com) and uses the same technology used by Google Search engine therefore it works at the same speed as Google Search Engine and equally gives fast and accurate results. User have two options to get Google Custom search on their blog or sites.

Google custom Search Basic

Google custom Search Basic is free and allows its users to customize it. User can match its look with the look and design of your blog or site. It gives you very fast and accurate results and you may even get paid through adsense for the ads displayed on search results.

Google custom Search Premium(Google Site Search)

Google custom Search premium with a lot of advance features in addition to of all the features of Google custom Search Basic is available at an annual premium depending on the volume of searches. The premium starts from $100-00 per year and increases in phases.

The Google custom Search Annual Premium at a glance-

For the premium version of Google custom search or the Google Site Search you have to pay some premium depending upon the number of queries per year. You can choose any one of the following price options –

  1. Up to 20000 search queries per year - 100 Dollars per year
  2. 20001 to 50000 search queries per year - 250 Dollars per year
  3. 50001 to 150000 search queries per year - 750 Dollars per year
  4. 150001 to 500000 search queries per year - 2000 Dollars per year
  5. For above 500000 search queries per year please contact Google sales.


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