Blogger SEO-Nofollow Links, Dofollow Links and their impact on page ranking

Blogger SEO-Nofollow Links, Dofollow Links and their impact on page ranking

Noindex, doindex, Meta tag, meta robots, nofollow, dofollow are the terms most commonly discussed by the search engine optimization experts. All these terms are very crucial from the search engine optimization angle. All these equally effect the search results of all major search engine robots like Google, Yahoo, Bing, MSN and Ask etc. In my study I found that a lot of blogger don’t care about these things and some of them even don’t know about these. The subject is very vast and can not be explained in one or two articles. Today I am trying to explain “Dofollow links” and “nofollow links” in brief in the following paragraphs –

Blogger SEO-Nofollow Links, Dofollow Links and their impact on page ranking

What is ‘Nofollow’

In fact nofollow is an HTML value used with the ‘rel’ attribute, it is used to instruct the search bots, to not to follow the relevant hyperlink. The link becomes a human link or works if clicked and the hyper link will have no influence in the target’s ranking in the search engine’s index. This is done to improve search engine result quality and to reduce some types of spam. As the search bot does not follow the hyperlink, the website owner will link back to you with nofollow, therefore no juice is passed on the link, hence when you don’t want to pass link juice, always use ‘nofollow’ links. 

The rel=”nofollow” is supported by all principal browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera etc. and principle search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask etc. the table given below indicates that how the search engines deal with “rel”nofollow” –

Link for Rank
Not sure
Not sure
Linked to page indexing
Display Link existance
Yes, If already indexed
In result for Anchor text
Yes, If already indexed
Yes, If already indexed

Syntax of a nofollow hyperlink

For example we want to give on our page a nofollow hyperlink of a website ‘Example’ whose URL is the syntax will be as under –


  <a href=’’ rel=”nofollow”>Example/>

Types and usage of ‘nofollow

“nofollow” can be used in two ways-(1) – as ‘robots meta tag and (2) as link attribute and beach gives a different result.

Use of ‘nofollow as ‘robots meta tag’

If it is used as robots meta tag, the search engine robot will not follow the entire page. The syntax will be as under –

                            <meta name=”robots” content=”nofollow”/>

Use of ‘nofollow as ‘link attribute’

If it is used as link attribute, the search robot will not count the link for ranking. The syntax will be as under -

                         <a href=” name here...” rel=nofollow/>

What is ‘dofollow’ hyperlink

No need to get confused because all the hyperlinks are ‘dofollow’ hyperlinks until they are made nofollow hyperlinks by using ‘rel-“nofollow”. So nothing is to be done to make any hyperlnik a ‘dofollow’ hyperlink because it is do follow by default. These hyperlinks are used with target key word and the juice sharing is done in normal way.

rel=dofollow, do follow link example, nofollow links seo value, when to use nofollow links, Do inbound links affect SEO, what is do follow link in seo, Are nofollow links good for SEO, how to create a dofollow link, What is Dofollow and nofollow link, what is do follow and no follow link, how to check dofollow and nofollow links , Which links are good dofollow or nofollow,


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