HTML tutorial for beginners Basics HTML Create HTML document and check result

HTML Basics for beginners How to Create HTML document and check result

HTML is a language used worldwide to write Web Pages. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and its name it self explains that HTML is a markup language. Basically HTML was developed to defining the documents structure like headings, paragraphs, lists, for sharing the scientific information among researchers. A working knowledge of Windows or Unix makes it much easier to learn HTML. Hypertext refers to the way in which Web pages (HTML documents) are linked together. When you click a link in a Web page, you are using hypertext. With a markup language, you simply mark up a text document with tags and this document tells the Web browsers, how to display it. To use HTML First you need to think, what type of markups and the results you want.

HTML tutorial for beginners

Basic knowledge required to create an HTML document

To create an HTML document must –

1.     Knowledge of basic word processing in any text editor.

2.     Knowledge of creating directories and files.

3.     Know to navigate through directories.

4.   Understand internet and internet browsers like Google 
Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc.

Structure of an HTML document

1.   HTML tags are placed between angular brackets ‘<’ and ‘>(Also called the less than and greater than signs)

2.   An HTML document always consists of two sections viz: The Head section and the body sections.

3.   The Head section starts with the Opening/Starting Tag <head> And ends with the closing/Ending tag </head>.

4.   In the head section Opening/Starting title Tag <title> and it ends with the closing/Ending title tag </title> are used to define the title of the document.

5.   The Body section starts with the Opening/Starting Tag <body> And ends with the closing/Ending tag </body>.

6.   An HTML document always starts with the Opening/Starting Tag <html>. And the closing/Ending tag </html>.

7.   The entire document (both sections i.e. head and body)  must be placed between <html>… and…</html>.

8.   To define the heading use <h?> and </h?> tags are used. There are 7 sizes of headings from h1 to h7 and defined by opening/starting tags as <h1>,<h2>,<h3> to <h7> and closing/ending tags </h1>,</h2>,</h3> to </h7>

9.   To define a paragraph P tag <p> and </p> are used.

Comments in an HTML Document

Comment tags are used to make comments in an HTML document. Both single line and multi line comments are allowed. To comment the starting/opening tag <!—and the closing/ending tag --> are used

Basic requirements and how to Create an HTML Document

Basic requirements to create an HTML document are very simple. You just need to have a web browser and a text editor. Unlike ordinary text document HTML document always ends with ‘.htm, or ‘.html’ extension. Note pad is most preferred text editor, To create an HTML document –

1.     Open Notepad or another text editor of your choice.

2.     At the top of the page type <html>.

3.  In the next line, after an indent of five spaces write the opening header tag <head>.

4.     In the next line, after an indent of five spaces write <title> </title>.

5.  In the next line, after an indent of five spaces write the closing header tag </head>.

6.  In the next line, after an indent of five spaces write the opening body tag <body>.

7.  In the next line type the closing body tag just below its opening tag </body>.

8. In the end, go to the next line and type the closing tag </html>.

9.     Click File menu, choose ‘Save As’.

10.  In the ‘Save as’ options, choose All Files.

11.  Name the file ‘template.htm’ or ‘template.html’.

12.  Click Save.

Check the result of your HTML document Recently created

Your basic HTML document is ready now Write the following codes in title and body tags and check the results –



<title>Here write a title</title>



<!—this is a comment-->

<h4>Explain the size of characters of heading here</h4>

<p>Describe the paragraph here</p>

<!—this is a comment-->



Browsers ignore improperly placed tags and attributes in HTML document

The browsers is that the browsers would not display any error even if an HTML tag or attribute has not been placed properly. Web browsers ignore improperly placed tags or attribute but apply all correct tags and attributes and then display the result.

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