Banking & financial GK abbreviations for sbi po lic AAO ias upsc RPSC SSC Railways

सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में सामान्य ज्ञान के प्रश्नों के साथ-साथ एब्रिविएशन भी पूछे जाते हैं इसीलिए हमने आज की इस सीरीज में पुराने प्रश्न पत्रों से कुछ चुने हुए एब्रिविएशन लेकर आपकी सेवा में प्रस्तुत किए है कृपया हमारे प्रयास का मूल्यांकन करें इसे अपने मित्रों के साथ शेयर करें और इसे लाइक करें धन्यवाद
Banking & financial GK

1.                  ALCO - Asset Liability Committee
2.                  ALM - Asset Liability Management
3.                  AMRMS - Audit and Risk Monitoring Mechanism
4.                  ANBC - Adjusted Net Bank Credit
5.                  ARC - Asset Reconstruction Companies
6.                  ASBA - Applications Supported Bank Accounts
7.                  ATM - Automated Teller Machine.
8.                  BIS - Bank for International Settlements.
9.                  BOP - Balance of Payments.
10.              BOR - Bank of Rajasthan.
11.              BOT - Build,Operate and Transfer.
12.              BR Act - Banking Regulations Act, 1949.
13.              BSR - Basic Statistical Returns.
14.              CAD - Current Account Deficit
15.              CARE - Credit Analysis and Research Limited
16.              CTI - Country Threat Index.
17.              ARBIFT – Arab Bank for Investment and Foreign trade
18.              FDI - Foreign Direct Investment.
19.              DPG - Deferred Payment Guarantee
20.              DSCR - Debt Service Coverage Ratio

DTAA - Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement.
22.              EADB - East African Development Bank.
23.              EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
24.              ECB - External Commercial Borrowings.
25.              EDF - Export Development Fund
26.              EDI - Electronic Data Interchange
27.              EDP - Entrepreneurship Development Programme
28.              CAG - Comptroller and Auditor General.
29.              ADB - Asian Development Bank.
31.              CCIL - Clearing Corporation of India Limited
32.              CDB - Caribbean Development Bank.
33.              CDBS - Committee of Direction on Banking Statistics.
34.              CDRS - Corporate Debt Restructuring
35.              CDS - Credit Default Swap.
36.              CEPA - Comprehensive Economic Partnership Management.
37.              CFRA - Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts.
38.              CGRA - Currency and Gold Revaluation Account.
39.              CP - Colombo Plan.
40.              CRAR - Capital To Risk Weighted Asset Ratio.

CRMD - Credit Risk Management Department.
42.              CSR - corporate social responsibility
43.              ABEDA - Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa.
44.              ACF - Auto Correlation Function.
45.              ACS - Automated Clearing Systm.
46.              ADF - Automated Data Flow
47.              ADR - American Depository Receipt.
48.              EXIM - Export Import Bank of India.
49.              AFS - Annual Financial Statement.
50.              AIC - Agricultural Insurance Company.
51.              AIF - Alternative Investment Fund

विशेष निवेदन - हमारा प्रयास कैसा रहा इस विषय में कृपया कमेंट करे। विपरीत राय देने में कतई संकोच करें अपनी राय निष्पक्ष दे। कृपया हमारे ब्लॉग के सदस्य बने तथा हमारा फेसबुक पेज लाइक करें।

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